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HTA Guideline Project

Posted on
26 May 2023

A Stepwise Guide for HTA Guideline

National HTA methods and process guidelines (hereon in referred to as HTA guidelines) have been identified as a key factor in establishing a well-functioning HTA system.

The project provides stepwise practical guidance and recommendations for LMICs to develop national HTA methods and process guidelines by synthesizing best practices and generate a comprehensive and pragmatic set of recommendations. 

The HTA Guideline Project is a crucial initiative in the healthcare sector, particularly in LMICs, where the use of HTA is increasingly becoming a policy tool for determining the provision of health products and services by the government. This project recognizes the importance of developing legal rules and governance frameworks for HTA decisions in LMICs. 

HTA guidelines are identified as one of the factors which affect HTA. These include both process guidelines and methodological guidelines. The former details the steps required to identify and conduct HTA studies to promote good governance of HTA research while the latter details the methodological and reporting standards, including setting out a reference case to ensure the consistency and quality of HTA studies. 

The project provides practical guidance and recommendations for LMICs seeking to develop national HTA methodological and/or process guidelines. It aims to synthesize best practices and lessons learned from country experiences in developing and implementing HTA guidelines and generate a comprehensive set of recommendations for technical stakeholders seeking to develop national HTA guidelines with the focus on supporting benefits package design.

Collaborating HTAsiaLink members: Health Intervention and Technology Assessment Program, Thailand and National University of Singapore, Singapore, KEMRI Wellcome Trust, Kenya


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